Saturday, 19 November 2016

Genre Analysis Mockumentary

We are currently considering to make a movie of the Mockumentary genre. A Mockumentary can be a short film, television show or feature film which looks and sounds like a real life factual documentary when it is actually fictional, basically a fictional documentary. 
The codes and conventions of a Mockumentary:

  • They use the same codes and conventions as a Documentary. A narrator throughout, footage of events, photographs and interviews with 'specialists' or 'witnesses'.
  • Interviewee is commonly placed to the left or the right of the screen, with a medium close up shot on them, although close ups or even extreme close ups are used to convey emotion when strong points are made by the interviewee.
  • Establishing shots range differently but usually tend to show the place where the documentary is based.
  • Archival photos used in docs are used with zooms in and out of the main focus of the photo.
  • Archival videos are also used as well to explain the documentary more.
  • Mise En Scene in the background of the interviews usually tends to be on the subject or same theme as the documentary